Sports Channels

TvWeb Lusofona Parisiense

Pod Tv


Simply Entertainment


HYPtv aims to be at the creative hub, offering opportunities for creatives and artists of all genres - from film/animation, motion graphics and music to photography, art, design and beyond.

Young Turks

Cyber Comic


Noticiais em Portugal, atravez da Radio Televisão Portuguesa.


Media Help with The Web TV


You will need the Windows Media Player to view the Web Tv online programs. If you are not able to view the program inside the embedded video player, then click on the video segment images to watch portions of the program or the broadband/dial-up link to watch the complete program. These links will open the video in an external Windows Media Player. Video segments are only available for broadband Internet connection speeds.

Download Files from a PC (.wmv, .mp4 & .mp3 )
If you would like to download the program to your local computer, "right mouse click" on the segment image, broadband, dial-up, mpeg movie or mp3 link. Choose "Save Target As" from the pop-up menu, then choose a location for the file to be downloaded to on your computer. Once the .wmv, .mp4 or .mp3 file is saved to your computer you can view or listen to the Web Tv program anytime with designated software.

Download Files from a Mac (.wmv, .mp4 & .mp3 )
If you would like to download the program to your local computer, "control mouse click" on the segment image, broadband, dial-up, mpeg movie or mp3 link. Choose "Download Link " from the pop-up menu, then choose a location for the file to be downloaded to on your computer. Once the .wmv, .mp4 or .mp3 file is saved to your computer you can view or listen to the Web Tv program anytime with designated software.

OS X Mac Users: Are you having trouble playing Windows Media video files? Then visit this Website to download the free *Windows Media Components for QuickTime that will allow Windows Media video and audio files to play directly within QuickTime. OS 9 users please visit this link.

Video for Apple iPod video player
Download the mpeg4 video file, to play on the new (5th generation) Apple video iPod, to your computer. Then access the mpeg4 video file via Apple iTunes to import to your iPod. You can also download the MP3 file to play on all iPods or other portable MP3 players.

Windows Media Players & Plug-ins
Windows Media Player 10
Windows Media Player 9 Series
Windows Media Player 9 for Mac OS X [Includes plugins for Internet Explorer, Netscape & Safari]
Windows Media Player 7.1 for Mac OS 9
Firefox Browser Plug-in
Netscape Navigator Browser Plug-in

QuickTime Player
Play Windows Media files in QuickTime Player

Deutshe Welle in English

is a German international broadcaster. It broadcasts news and information on shortwave, Internet and satellite radio in 29 languages (DW-RADIO). It has a satellite television service (DW-TV) that is available in four languages, and there is also DW-WORLD.DE, a 30-language online news site.
Deutsche Welle, which in English means "German Wave", is similar to international broadcasters such as the BBC World Service, Voice of America, and Radio France Internationale.

BBC headlines

BBC Headlines as suas noticias vistas pelos jornalistas Ingleses.


Direct Link: BBC Headlines


Agora online no browser das Noticias a CNN online, noticiais internacionais.
Ligação ao Browser News : NEWS TV
Ligação directa : CNN NEWS


Media Player Double Click on player for Full Screen.
Now Playing: Usa TV - 3ABN

Eurosport Russia

LINK : Sports Channels
LINK Direct: Eurosport Russian

Adult Free TV

Para a Obtenção dos canais de Adulto tem de ter mais de 18 anos, por razão alguma não poderá reclamar judicialmente contra ao nosso site, pois é de sua responsabilidade todos os seus actos.

America Free Tv

Mirame TV - Spain

Africa News TV


Portugal Tv

Bloomberg TV

Art TV

Acreditem ou não, mas está perante o maoir circo de Portugal..Pois é e não pensa que não paga os bilhetes são bastente caros...Pois bem começe a fazer cvontas ao que lhe comen em impostos, que no final do pouco que lhe sobra ainda lhe vão tornar a colectar...uma taxa que faltou.

Pois bem , está uma cambada de palhaços a falar no intresse nacional, mas o que é certo ...e que já ninguém sabe qual os intresses nacionais pois eles já não existem, já ninguém sabe o que isso é.
Os artistas trabalham bem, manten-nos agarrados ao "futebol, " e vão facilitando a entrada das verbas no seu bolsinho.

TV Net

TV Net

Sky News UK

Sport Tv Holanda

Fashion TV